821 S. Kirkman Rd.
Orlando, Fl. 32811
About Us
We will provide the greatest experience in the childcare industry!!
King's Kids Learning Center is a Christian, base child care program, and pre-school. Our goal is to provide an atmosphere that encourages learning , provides tenderness, and nutures children. Our staff has over 20 years of combined experience. We believe that our approach to learning will help foster a strong educational foundation for each child. Our core curriculum is BJU press. Standing on the authority of the Bible, BJU Press (Bob Jones) has made a name for itself with their commitment to traditional Christian beliefs and strong academic standards. Engagingly comprehensive, newly updated, and always grounded in Scripture, BJU Press' (Bob Jones) curriculum has educated thousands of students who have gone on to later success. Their comprehensive teachers’ guides give teachers detailed lessons and answer keys, while their student textbooks contain a wealth of colorful photographs, illustrations, graphs and content that fully integrates a biblical worldview with academic life.
Our teachers and Staff are committed to the success of each child. Lead teachers are certified to deliver the curriculm and program contents. With their vast educational experience and background, they are a great addition to our program.
Kings Kids Child Care Center is committed to providing a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment in which children become critical and creative lifelong learners. We believe that each child is a unique individual and all children are valuable. In the environment of Christian love and values, our dedicated staff will provide an atmosphere that encourages all children to grow and develop.
Focus on building a solid foundation of spiritual, social, emotional, intellectual, and physical skills.
We are proud to offer a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment for children.